Lydia McLaughlin
The Real Housewives of Orange County (abbreviated RHOC) is an American reality TV series which premiered on Bravo on March 21, the 21st of March. It aired 16 seasons. The series is centered around the lives of professional and personal of numerous women living in Orange County, California.
The cast for the coming season will include Tamra judge, Heather Dubrow and Shannon Storms Beador. Emily Simpson will also join the cast. Taylor Armstrong will serve as a fan of the show.
The success of the show led The Real Housewives franchise development as well as other spin-offs similar to the series. The series air in a number of states across the United States as well as many other installments around the world.
Two spin-offs of Date My Ex: Jo & Slade and Tamra's OC Wedding were born from the popularity of the show.
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